August Faves

10:24:00 PM

Namaste y'all!

We hope you all had a fantastic labor day holiday.We cannot believe it's September already! While we would say welcome to fall, it's still sweltering hot here in Texas. School is officially in session and we are still getting out of our lazy summer funk. We have been trying a lot of things over these past few months and  wanted to share some of them things with you all. We have some things we tried for the first time as well as some rekindled loves from the past! Lets hop right into our August favorites!

Cee's Favorites

Hygiene: 3-minute miracle
This product has been one of my holy grail items for the past couple of years. No matter how much I branch out in the conditioners I've used, I always come back to this one. I've always struggled to tame my hair without having to always use heat on it, especially in the humid weather. My hair is quite thick and curly but also incredibly frizzy. The 3 minute miracle really smooths out my hair and leaves it healthy and hydrated. It takes away most of the frizz while still leaving my hair with a good amount of bounce to it.

Apparel: Pixie pants
This item has been everywhere these days, especially at Banana Republic. I decided to pick some up and they have been my absolute favorite this summer when I couldn't wear shorts and didn't want to wear heavy jeans. They're incredibly stretchy and light which is perfect for those long days in the heat.

Misc: Makeup travel bag
Since I travel back and forth from my apartment near our college and back home, a sturdy makeup bag is a must. I need it big enough to fit all of my essentials but small enough that it won't take up too much space. This Sonia Kashuk bag is the perfect combination. It has two compartments so I can divide into make up and brushes on different sides or even put jewelry onto one side as well. The material of the bag is sturdy and easy to clean which is always a bonus.

Ess's Favorites

Decor: Capri blue candle
I always love burning candles and was a devoted Bath and Body Works candle hoarder for many years before starting to work at Anthropologie. I always heard that people liked going into Anthro just because it smelled amazing and I soon learned that the "Anthropologie smell" is the Volcano scent candle by Capri Blue. The scent is amazing and comes in pretty packaging so it looks good as decor too. I picked up a couple before moving into the new apartment and they look great and smell great even when they aren't lit.

Cosmetics: Sugar plum fresh tinted lip treatment
I have really dry lips so I am always in need of a good lip balm/ chapstick. I came across the Sugar Plum tinted lip treatment by Fresh when I was shopping around Sephora one day. I love that its super hydrating and gives a nice tint to your lips as well. It's really hard to find a product that does all these things. This one even has SPF 15! This product is basically everything you could need on your lips.

Hygiene:Sephora precision pore cleaning pad
I have a lot of pores, especially on my nose and always look for good exfoliants. Usually I get a facial cleanser that has exfoliating beads but having this cleansing pad allows me to use a gentler cleanser while still getting exfoliated. It is very inexpensive and its silicone based so I don't feel gross using it for a couple months before switching it out for a new one.

We hope you enjoy these and find them interesting! We love sharing all of our favorites with you every month and would love to hear some of your favorite things as well. 

Until next time,
Cee and Ess

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