Easy Peasy Summer Desserts

3:36:00 PM

Namaste Y'all! 

This week we wanted to bring you two delicious desserts to enjoy in the summer. Both are incredibly easy to make and you can make one of them in 5 min! 

Warm banana topping over ice cream 

Banana (it would be better if it is more on the firm side)

Ice cream (I recommend vanilla) 


1. Cut the banana into medium-sized slices
2. Pan sear the banana slices on both sides

3. Mix equal portions of honey and water into a bowl

4. Once both sides of the bananas are golden brown, pour in the honey-water mixture into the hot pan 

5. Wait for the liquid to bubble and then

take the pan off the heat 

6. Pour the banana slices and honey drizzle on top of the ice cream (vanilla tastes the best). 

Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles


Strawberries: 7-9
Lemons: 2
Honey: to taste
Water (orange juice works well too): 1/3 cup 

messy but so worth it! :) 

Combine ingredients and blend well. I saved a few strawberries and mash them up by hand to mix in for a nice bite. Take your mix and pour into popsicle molds. That's it! Easy Peasy :)


Try these recipes and keep cool in this summer heat!

Signing off,

Cee and Ess

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